The Kirewa Youth Development Initiative




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Kirewa Youth Development Initiative was initiated to serve the youth of Kirewa sub-county towards achieving tangible development in this generation as well as restoring hope for a brighter future in the next generation. To achieve this mission, the following objectives will be (or have already been) addressed.

*      Support and promote formal and non- formal education, including the girl child education.

*      Promote income generating activities for all the youth for poverty alleviation.

*      Enhance employment opportunities for all the youth.

*      Support and promote better environmental management by the youth and community at large

*      Promote better health for youths with emphases on HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health.

*      Advocate for support and development of the marginalized groups such as disabled children and children orphaned by disasters such as AIDS and wars.

*      Operate other lawful activities aimed at improvement of community welfare and development.   

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Kirewa Youth Development Initiative
oguti street 336 Tororo
telepone :   +256-752-634334 or